Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A very dirty buick = unwelcome company
So the most ridiculous thing happened this past weekend! On friday night Steven dropped me off at my house, and just as we were going up the driveway, a MOOSE jumped out in front of us! It was rather scary and Steve was so scared that he had to come through MY door to the house because the moose was staring us down! The next morning I go outside to my car and I see all these smudges all over it! My car was super dirty and it wasn't till later that I realized that not only was there dirt on my car, but there was also ROAD SALT! THE MOOSES WERE LICKING MY CAR. So apparently my dad says he saw two mooses hanging around my car the night before. My car is completly disgusting. There is tongue marks and dirt all over the windows, trunk, front, headlights, and DOORKNOBS! (sick! moose saliva on my door handle!) They licked my headlights clean and I no longer need my brights on to shine through the dirt. Well, that is definitly natures hint for me to wash my car! Sorry for the lack of picture, I don't have a camera handy in the daylight hours, but I will arange this and hopefully post the picture soon! So you think that I might have learned my lesson by now, but the car is still a filthy mess and now I like showing off the lick marks. I tell the story to everyone I know, and now you, dear reader, have heard as well!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Last night Steven, Rob, Leigh-anne, and I went to the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra Video Game Music Production. It was really fun, everyone enjoyed the show immensly. The crowd that this event attracted was mainly geeks. I have never seen so many nerds in one place, but then again, I have never been to the UofA Engineering Program Buildings. I know what your thinking! Yes I have been to Steven's (semi) passion, the Computing Science Program buildings, and it was seriously nerdy, but not as many people take Computing Science as Engineering. So this overwhelming amount of nerds filled up the entire Jubilie Auditorium. So much Sci-Fi. Wow. They had a big screen that would show images and animation of the video game that we were listening to. So many massive creatures with huge arms and teeny heads. And also so many purple transparent women in so many of the games. I know what your thinking - weird. I enjoyed the Super Mario Brother's Theme song and the Zelda them song. Funny how the same guy wrote both of them. Anyway it was a super fun night and a unique way to express music through video games!

Thursday, January 18, 2007
After having written the most unpopular post so far, I feel I need to redeem myself after such bad reviews (yes, there has been some bad reviews.) I have gotten no comments at all and this made me realize that my audience, although it is small, indeed has influence over what I write. There is some pressure to conform, and what the heck, why not! Do expect, however, some more of my social worky opinions as I am currently in the program and can't help but let my current thoughts on issues spill out onto my blog. This has been some of my feed back:
- I didn't like that post Jess
- It sounded really feminist
- Write about better and happier things
Just to let you know that conference is not about encouraging feminist values on women, just an information time to get involved in government if anyone ever wanted to.
That being said, I'm going to be busy tonight doing homework and reading text books. And to all you people who read my blog and never comment, you make me look uncool....*cough* marla.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Calling all women!!
Hey there ladies! This is for all you pro-active women out there!
Alberta Municipal Affairs is holding a 1-day session called "Be on the Ballot: Women Impacting Local Government" on Monday, January 22, 2007. There will be discussions about overcoming barriers, influencing public policy, with many female elected representatives representing Alberta municipalities and counties participating on the panels.To see the agenda and learn more about registration, visit or the Alberta Municipal Affairs website at look for "Workshops, Consultations & Registrations" and click on "Women Impacting Local Government Conference".
For more information please email
p.s. I know this is the 3rd post since monday, but what the heck, doesn't this sound interesting? The conference is totally free! So if your interested in making some changes in your community, finding out how you have a say in your government, or just curious as to how this stuff even works, check it out! By the way......I can't go I have school that day so sorry, I cannot walk my talk, but it's still an intersting opportunity!
Alberta Municipal Affairs is holding a 1-day session called "Be on the Ballot: Women Impacting Local Government" on Monday, January 22, 2007. There will be discussions about overcoming barriers, influencing public policy, with many female elected representatives representing Alberta municipalities and counties participating on the panels.To see the agenda and learn more about registration, visit or the Alberta Municipal Affairs website at look for "Workshops, Consultations & Registrations" and click on "Women Impacting Local Government Conference".
For more information please email
p.s. I know this is the 3rd post since monday, but what the heck, doesn't this sound interesting? The conference is totally free! So if your interested in making some changes in your community, finding out how you have a say in your government, or just curious as to how this stuff even works, check it out! By the way......I can't go I have school that day so sorry, I cannot walk my talk, but it's still an intersting opportunity!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This is what I might be waking up to on May 2nd. Or maybe some palm trees who knows. I'm excited. My first tropical vacation ever.
So far, my favorite vacation spot that I have gone to has been Ontario, and then the shushwaps. Although the place I'm most looking forward to going to is Australia. Some day I will go. What's everybody's favorite vacation spots or a place you would most like to go?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Stupid 3 hour break

This picture is from 2004 Grad photo day. I found it on one of Tab's old websites that she has all these old highschool pictures. I figured I hadn't posted a picture in so long, people must be getting bored! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself with this 3 hour break each monday. It's destroying me. Not only that, but I left my purse in Steve's truck and so I have no money at all! Although it does prevent me from spending unnecessarily at the Tim Hortons downstairs. But having no money is so brutal when your bored! At Grant MacEwan they offer a diploma in massage therapy and are looking for volunteers who want to get massaged. The Massage Clinic office was closed so I'm a little bummed. Having a weekly monday massage would be so nice, and such a great thing during the worst three hours of the week. So I'm already hating school, and I haven't started ANY homework at all. I really should get on it. I need to be more motivated. Unfortunatly, I'm not. Today in class we had to do a smudge. It's an Aboriginal purification ceremony. It was pretty neat, I enjoyed it! No it did not involve praying or worshipping other gods, mom. Anyway, I had better go, at this moment I am bored and probably boring to listen to. Hmmmm, any other things to talk about........last night I ran for 15 minutes! My next goal is honestly going to be 25 minutes. I will let you all know if I can do it, or if my knees give out. Good grief, I'm already an old lady at 20 years old.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Isn't this weather incredible???? Not in a good way though. I turned on the radio this morning and the report was that people were sliding backwards on Dawson's Bridge road because it's so slippery, and that is the road that I take. Not only that but just about EVERY road to get into down town from the east is quite steep so I figured even if I had found an alternate route I would probably still be screwed. The roads were so bad I didn't go to my field placement today. Wednesdays although are generally uneventful, except for that time I went bungee jumping, (I wrote about it in a previous post). Today is a great day to do laundry and clean which is what I have been doing and it feels good. I also am going to do my first assignment that is due in a week from now! I counted it out and I have 18 assignments due this term, the bulk of them are due at the end of March. Even though I could try to start early, lets face it, I have always been a procrastinator and deciding to suddenly try my best might be a shock to the system so I plan on taking it easy. Snow is pretty, but it's always a little bit depressing and worrisome (is that how you spell that??) I find that I'm always worrying (holy cow, I'm horirble at spelling.) about the roads not just when I drive but when other people drive. I always get stressed when I drive in the snow because it is so easy to spin out, especially in miss buick. Hopefully everyone has safe drives to and from wherever they go and that everyone takes it easy! I hope that everyone takes advantage of these snow days and enjoys the great indoors! Drink some tea! Sit near your fire place! Read a book or do a puzzle! Clean your house! (that's not that relaxing, but sometimes people just don't have time when life gets busy, and if your forced to be at home, why not?) lol, can you tell I'm pumped to be at home?
Monday, January 8, 2007
People are always so much more ambitious in January than other times of the year
Alright, right now I'm writing in the grant macewan library because I have a 3 hour break between classes today,(how brutal is that) and what else in the world am I going to do besides blog? Well, I could be doing homework, and I have very ambitious hopes for finishing early. For example, today I have a class called Aboriginal Anthropology, a very interesting class. One of the assignments in the class is that you have to write a journal every week about the reading that was required. I'm thinking that if I'm really fast and really sneaky, I may be able to finish all these journals in 2 weeks and then turn the text book back in for a refund! I know what your thinking, ya right, like Jess has the ambition and the determination to do 20 3-page journals in 2 weeks, well I don't, your right. But I'm going to make a valient effort tonight! And tomorrow! By the way, my previous post about getting a toned belly fell through after 2 weeks. So that shows how much determination I really have. It's a known fact that when someone has a bunch of homework due, anything else in the world would rather be done, including toning one's belly. I'm also pretty ripped off about the cost of text books. Two of my courses have text books totalling $20 each, while a couple of my courses have $200 texts. Isn't that completly ridiculous? I would rather pay someone a dollar a page to photocopy, because you honestly only use about 20 pages at the most anyway, well, if your me and you don't do the required readings! Anyway, I guess I better get started, sorry to keep my readers waiting!
And now a little humor at my expense:
A social worker asks a collegue: "What time is it?"The other one answers: "Sorry, don't know, I have no watch."The first one: "Never mind! The main thing is that we talked about it."
A social worker is facing a mugger with a gun. "Your money or your life!" says the mugger. "I'm sorry," the social worker answers, "I am a social worker, so I have no money and no life."
Ah, these are all things that I have to look forward to!
And now a little humor at my expense:
A social worker asks a collegue: "What time is it?"The other one answers: "Sorry, don't know, I have no watch."The first one: "Never mind! The main thing is that we talked about it."
A social worker is facing a mugger with a gun. "Your money or your life!" says the mugger. "I'm sorry," the social worker answers, "I am a social worker, so I have no money and no life."
Ah, these are all things that I have to look forward to!
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