Saturday, March 29, 2008

Honeymoon pictures

The honeymoon was really really fun and relaxing! We went skiing, dogsledding, shopping, had a fondue dinner and even went to a dinner theater! Very memorable time!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good Evening to you all

Hello! Today I made Steven lunch, (this is a recurrent request from him) and I really don't mind making him lunch as long as he is patient if I'm late to meet him at his work. After the lunch with the rest of his co-workers, Christina and I (another wife) decided to walk "Truffles" (their dog) and pick up some stuff for the home at Target. It was my first time at Target, and I was quite overwhelmed (It was a super-target, not that different from a super-walmart.) Except it looked a little like a department store. They had 33 tills with about only 5 cashiers available to serve us. It had a pizza hut, starbucks, and another restaurant that I cannot remember. (CRAZY BIG!) Anyway, we had some delicious starbucks and I had a Cinnamon Dolce Latte, thought you might want to know! (It was abnormally platable! (acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; savory: "palatable food.") So maybe that latte wasn't savory per say but it was a tasty treat..tasty enough to get recognition in a blog! Ok, ANYWAY, we shopped around this extravagantly large and profusely vast target for a few hours....and I picked out some really nice dish sets and the cutest glass pitcher, I just had to get it! Yup, Target is an interesting place.

Steven and I both have been asked why in the world we would move to Kansas City, coming from Canada. The people just say, "what? isn't that place supposed to be so much better than here??" One lady even asked why in the world Kansas City.....I have yet to quite understand these comments....Kansas City is not the greatest place I have personally ever been to....but it is so much different from home. It really isn't that bad. But I will give everyone more of an opinion once I have been here longer than 2 weeks.....considering I have only been here for a mere week and 3 days....oh dear....I'm starting to miss home....not the weather....just the people.

So on that sad note.....

Aloha.....which means hello and good-bye! which means apsolutly nothing.

p.s. Steven and I are a few blocks away from 2 liquor stores.....which are the same chain under the same name. "Berbiglia" Isn't that a crazy name??? It is spelt how you say it. Whenever we talk about Berbiglia we often say it several times because the name is so strange! Berbiglia Berbiglia Berbiglia..........Berbiglia Berbiglia Berbiglia..........Berbiglia Berbiglia Berbiglia..........ok I'll stop!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

oh good grief!

This is a picture from my bachelorette with all the cousins! Thought I would throw that in here with the rest of my random post!
Read what I accidentally almost posted on someone's wall. If you read it carefully, it makes me sound so crazy!

"Yeah, school is all done and I graduated from Grant MacEwan from the Social Work program. I worked after school till I got married in a group home and now I technically can't work here at all! "

It makes it sound like I got married in a group home, and not only that I got married in a group home, but because I did, I cannot work in the States! So there is some mixed up thought process! Good thing I read that before I sent that out! When I read it after I wrote it I burst out laughing! How embarrassing! I will be asked if I had the ceremony in a group home, and what kind of a person would do that anyway? So strange. So there is a mistake for you to laugh at!

Today Steven and I had lunch, I made him a lunch and brought it over to him. It was pretty tasty and Steven ate whole wheat brown bread! I was pretty excited about that. Although the bread here is considerably sweeter here than in Canada, it is something that I keep noticing.

Also, the drivers are so angry all the time! Everybody honks at eachother, and it's not like Canada, people here honk ALL the time for anything! driving too close, not moving exactly when the light is green, all that kind of stuff. Makes me a very scared pedestrian. Although I wouldn't compare it to the Carribean countries who just honk their horn for honking sake, the people here are actually pissed!
So two American insights for the day. The bread here is made with more sugar, and the drivers are considerably more angry than in Edmonton.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

So Relieved

I am so glad that the wedding is over. Seriously that was one of the most stressful things that I have ever done and I guess now that it is over I am much more happier! I enjoyed the day, (the beginning of the ceremony I was feeling extremelely nervous) but it got easier and easier after that. Maybe that is why I don't mind being here, because it is such a relief after planning for that day for so long! (Well it seemed like a long time!)
This past weekend we rented a truck and spent all day saturday furniture shopping at the most amazing furniture store ever. Nebraska Furniture is just phenomenal! Very cheap prices for things that are cheap and then they also have some really nice stuff as well that is priced appropriately. The store is honestly twice the size of Ikea easily. They have really nice stuff for interior decorating as well. Steven and I picked out a small kitchen table and 4 chair set, a computer desk, a dresser with a mirror, and a toaster! One of Steven's coworkers, Tim, agreed to help us move this stuff up the three flights of stairs to our floor. Another one of Steven's coworkers, Eric, gave us a couch so we moved it on saturday as well to our apartment with Tim's help again. (I totally could not have moved the dresser or the computer desk up all those stairs! So I am really thankful that he did this for us.) Right now our apartment is coming out of dissarray from the do it yourself assembly that took place all day yesterday by mostly Steven. The only thing we did not complete was putting the mirror on the dresser - definitly not as big of a priority as the kitchen table and chairs! We went to "Lowes" which is set up very similar to Home Depot, and we bought some hampers (thank you Joni!) dryer balls yet, some appliances, (electric frying pan, waffle maker, blender, sorry christine, no sandwich maker yet!) and some basic cleaning and organizational supplies. We needed two carts in the store and it was nice that we could make use of our truck again! We plan on buying a vehicle hopefully in the next two weeks. Things are coming together and having my own place with my own stuff feels wonderful!
Easter was nice, we went to the Good Friday Service at the "Revolution" church and it was nice, and the Easter morning Service on Sunday went really nice as well. We signed ourselves up for a small group on tuesday nights so hopefully that works out well. The church had hidden 99 Easter eggs around the sanctuary and the kids had to find them during the greeting, it was pretty funny.
Today I have to return the truck :( and do laundry using our new laundry baskets! Thanks again Joni!

p.s. I bought the nicest shower curtain! Makes this place look like a classy establishment!

p.p.s. Can you tell I am sooooo pumped about all the new stuff I just bought! And there is still so much more stuff that we need still! Shopping is sooooo much fun when you have money to spend and things you need!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

In Kansas City

Here we are in Kansas City. I'm sitting in my apartment, sitting on the only piece of furniture that we currently own besides the bed. One folding chair. At least it has a slim piece of padding. I am typing on an upside down cardboard box. The monitor is set upon a tupperware container. Unfortunatly all of our media is crammed into one corner because this house was built a thousand years ago and has a very limited supply of outlets and only one cable outlet. The telephone also has to be in this very corner. The sun is hot down here let me tell you. It is a balmy 19 degrees Celcius outside right now. I walked outside without a jacket - just a t-shirt. I have all the windows open letting the fresh heavenly breeze flow into this desolate apartment that looks incredibly cheery from all the sunshine. I have to close the blinds otherwise it gets way too hot. Also with the heavenly breeze comes traffic noise, construction noise, and children playing from the nearby school. So it's a little noisy, but not a big deal. I walked to meet Steven for lunch(......YUM!) At his work and ordered some food from the restaurant downstairs. As we walk in the guy behind the counter calls out "Hey Mr. Steve!" Steve explains to me that this guys knows everyone who eats at his place by name. He says "This must be your new wife!" Steve introduces me as "Jess." Behind us are two women waiting in line. They give us a wave and Steven introduces them as the ladies from the bank downstairs. "This is Gina and Susan" He introduces me as "Jess", and they give me a friendly smile and a "Haah Jess, come on over and we will include you with Steve's account." (I guess we are on an short version of our first name basis here.) Our food is ready and the guy who owns the place calls out "Mr. and Mrs. Jessica!" We laugh and I feel like I'm in some quaint small town when really I am at the bottom of a 15 floor office building encompassing multiple different businesses, and the tallest building till you get near down town.....Which is like Capilano to downtown Edmonton.

Anyway, there were a few more conversations, one involving poutine and how in the states you can't order those cheese went over my head because I don't eat poutine that much. I'm not too eager to gain the 15 pounds associated with marriage that quickly. Anyway, tomorrow I have great plans! One of the wives who came from Canada invited me for some yoga at her house - she lives about a 35 minute drive away, but she is offering to drive so that makes it just perfect. I suggested we go to JCPenny....I cannot wait. Now I can actually start buying things for the home! Starting tomorrow. OH! And tomorrow is Good friday and that will be nice because I am really looking forward to attending the church that Steve has been going to. Haven't gone to church in 2 weeks so this should be good.

Have a good one, aaaaaaaah, I am just enjoying this heavenly breeze and this rediculous place where everything is cheaper and everyone talks weird.