Monday, January 8, 2007

People are always so much more ambitious in January than other times of the year

Alright, right now I'm writing in the grant macewan library because I have a 3 hour break between classes today,(how brutal is that) and what else in the world am I going to do besides blog? Well, I could be doing homework, and I have very ambitious hopes for finishing early. For example, today I have a class called Aboriginal Anthropology, a very interesting class. One of the assignments in the class is that you have to write a journal every week about the reading that was required. I'm thinking that if I'm really fast and really sneaky, I may be able to finish all these journals in 2 weeks and then turn the text book back in for a refund! I know what your thinking, ya right, like Jess has the ambition and the determination to do 20 3-page journals in 2 weeks, well I don't, your right. But I'm going to make a valient effort tonight! And tomorrow! By the way, my previous post about getting a toned belly fell through after 2 weeks. So that shows how much determination I really have. It's a known fact that when someone has a bunch of homework due, anything else in the world would rather be done, including toning one's belly. I'm also pretty ripped off about the cost of text books. Two of my courses have text books totalling $20 each, while a couple of my courses have $200 texts. Isn't that completly ridiculous? I would rather pay someone a dollar a page to photocopy, because you honestly only use about 20 pages at the most anyway, well, if your me and you don't do the required readings! Anyway, I guess I better get started, sorry to keep my readers waiting!

And now a little humor at my expense:
A social worker asks a collegue: "What time is it?"The other one answers: "Sorry, don't know, I have no watch."The first one: "Never mind! The main thing is that we talked about it."

A social worker is facing a mugger with a gun. "Your money or your life!" says the mugger. "I'm sorry," the social worker answers, "I am a social worker, so I have no money and no life."

Ah, these are all things that I have to look forward to!


Christine said...

great to have you back Jess!! I totally wanted to return some of my textbooks. One i didn't even open in class and it cost me about $80!! Good luck on your next semester! You'll be a great social worker!

jessica said...

aw thanks christine! your the best!

lj said...

So. Did you get any of those journal assignments done? I can't believe that you are almost finished already! And it was really good to see you the other night, even if it was just for a minute. You looked as beautiful as ever, and happy, which is so aweomse! Take care hun!