This picture is from 2004 Grad photo day. I found it on one of Tab's old websites that she has all these old highschool pictures. I figured I hadn't posted a picture in so long, people must be getting bored! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself with this 3 hour break each monday. It's destroying me. Not only that, but I left my purse in Steve's truck and so I have no money at all! Although it does prevent me from spending unnecessarily at the Tim Hortons downstairs. But having no money is so brutal when your bored! At Grant MacEwan they offer a diploma in massage therapy and are looking for volunteers who want to get massaged. The Massage Clinic office was closed so I'm a little bummed. Having a weekly monday massage would be so nice, and such a great thing during the worst three hours of the week. So I'm already hating school, and I haven't started ANY homework at all. I really should get on it. I need to be more motivated. Unfortunatly, I'm not. Today in class we had to do a smudge. It's an Aboriginal purification ceremony. It was pretty neat, I enjoyed it! No it did not involve praying or worshipping other gods, mom. Anyway, I had better go, at this moment I am bored and probably boring to listen to. Hmmmm, any other things to talk about........last night I ran for 15 minutes! My next goal is honestly going to be 25 minutes. I will let you all know if I can do it, or if my knees give out. Good grief, I'm already an old lady at 20 years old.
Three hours, yikes that would be boring. I think I would get in the habbit of getting a drink at Timmy's (when you have your wallet back) and use it to study or get a free massage.
study shmudy...ha ha
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