Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Calling all women!!

Hey there ladies! This is for all you pro-active women out there!
Alberta Municipal Affairs is holding a 1-day session called "Be on the Ballot: Women Impacting Local Government" on Monday, January 22, 2007. There will be discussions about overcoming barriers, influencing public policy, with many female elected representatives representing Alberta municipalities and counties participating on the panels.To see the agenda and learn more about registration, visit or the Alberta Municipal Affairs website at look for "Workshops, Consultations & Registrations" and click on "Women Impacting Local Government Conference".
For more information please email

p.s. I know this is the 3rd post since monday, but what the heck, doesn't this sound interesting? The conference is totally free! So if your interested in making some changes in your community, finding out how you have a say in your government, or just curious as to how this stuff even works, check it out! By the way......I can't go I have school that day so sorry, I cannot walk my talk, but it's still an intersting opportunity!

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