For the first time in a long time I am excited about seeing the snow. It doesn't bother me really very much to have to take extra time to drive in it or to be so careful all the time. I did almost get into two accidents on separate occassions this past week. And still the snow is not really stressing me out very much. I guess because the sooner the snow comes and things start getting cold the sooner the wedding! I find myself wanting to go swimming all the time lately - so that I can sit in the hot tub and finally get warm! It seems like a shower just doesn't cut it these days for getting you warm!
I am missing out on the annual christmas girls party with my highschool friends (that actually started in junior high.) I have not missed a year since then and am feeling a little sad about it. Sometimes having to work friday and sautday nights is not always that great! Oh well, at least I can see them the next week at bible study.
Last sunday we had a really fun time doing some christmas baking with my bible study friends and cousins! We made christmas trees (coconut/white chocolate), gingerbread men, sugar cookies with icing, gingersnaps, and candycane shortbread! DELICIOUS! And it was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who made the treck out to St. Albert for that! It was a really great day! Here are some pictures I stole from facebook! Tha
nks Erin