Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Looking forward to the end of my shift....boxing day celebrations!
Ok, so yesterday the kids came about 10 minutes afer I wrote that post...and then it was even sadder. they were just so hyper and they were pushing limits and I was by myself.....augh. So today has been another amazing day at the group home. (sarcasm) One of our girls has been trying to convince me that just washing her hair is as good as having a that's been interesting. The boy that we have here is supposed to clean up his room today. We just finished and it took us (I helped him, he needed it) coming up on an hour and a half. I feel like I should be almost done my shift when I have only completed only two hours of it - another 4 to go. Anyway. Today is boxing day and I actually am thankful for this 8-2 shift because now I can celebrate boxing day with Steven's mom's side of the family, (yesterday was his dad's.) Should be fun, it always is. Anyway. I needed to vent about work. Right now I hear the shower being turned on and off and banging in the bathroom, so who knows what is going on in there with that girl!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
20 minutes...
Ok, it has been 20 minutes since the last post and still no kids!!!!!!!!!! AUGH! I am bored and I want to eat a christmas dinner!
Merry Christmas!
hello, it is Christmas Day and I have to work. What probably is the most brutal about this curerntly is that I have been here for a useless half an hour without any children in this group home. While my family is eating the most delicious din din, I am on the internet while my co-worker plays nintendo. Ok, I am a little sad, but really, I'm not too terribly sad. I'v decided I won't despair, I did get to spend quite a bit of time with my family this christmas! Yesterday was Christmas Eve and it was wonderful! We read the Christmas Story from the Bible and watched "The Nativity Story" on TV. We opened up presents and I was very pleased with what I had to give, and what I recieved! Very relaxing evening, it was memorable. Today I woke up and went to the Christmas day service at our church. Then Steve and I went to his parent's house for opening of gifts and stockings! Once again, nice gifts! Then while munching on some hors devors we watched some "planet earth" which Steve's parents had recieved and it was spectacular! Then to Grampa and Gloria's (Steve's side of the family) for some family time, although I didn't get to spend christmas dinner with them, I still spent some time with them so that was nice. So anyway, I hope that everyone had a satisfying christmas! Merry Christmas and hopefully these kids show up real soon so it can be worth my while!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ok, I seriously have had it with middle aged women who don't know me telling me how to live my life. It happened again today, as it happens every once in a while, this time at a work party. I made a funny comment that Steve and I were in a dillema because I still want to go to Banff and he wants to (all the sudden) go to Paris! Everyone was laughing at me saying : "Oh wow, she's complaining because her jerk of a fiance wants to take her to Paris for their honeymoon." (Sarcasm.) Then I said, well we both want to go to Europe sometime. Then the social worker of our house turns to me and says : uh, how long have you known him? (Condescending tone.) I said, "we will have dated for 3 years by the time we get married." She looks at my boss," hmmmm.... don't really know someone until you have lived with them. (boss nods knowingly) you live with him?" I reply, no...... SW: oh, well, you learn alot about someone when you live with them. You will be very surprised, relationships take work. You should only marry someone unless you live with them." Well, I wanted to punch her in the face. They (boss and social worker) went on and on and on about the importance of living together before marriage, and how there is no way we ever get to go to Europe because I don't know Steven or Men. I kept my composure surprisingly well. First of all : YOU DON'T KNOW ME! Second of all : YOU DON'T KNOW ME OR STEVEN OR HOW WE FUNCTION TOGETHER. Thirdly: If the people who know, love, and care for me and Steven individually and together were the least bit concerned, I would have concerns, but since those people are excited and not at all worried, why would I take any of your bogus "live together" precautions???!?!?!?!? Especially since I know that it is a fact that people who live together before they get married are 50% more likely to get a divorce. I am one of the smartest young women I know. I haven't wasted my life away on things like alcohol, drugs, or the party scene. I have a secondary education and I work in a job that applies it directly. I am going somewhere. The people that I spend the most time with are healthy hard working and wonderful people. I have positive relationships with the men and women in my life. I have a positive relationship with my parents and Steven's parents. I do not know everything, but I do not take crappy bogus destructive advice from people who do not know, love, or care about me or Steven. I will gladly recieve advice from my family and extended family. I welcome advice from my friends. And honestly, I don't think life is going to be a walk in the park, I expect it to be hard at times - not a fairy tale, which maybe the people who give me that kind of advice weren't anticipating in their own lives. I don't know what it's like to be married, but I dont think that it's rocket science! I am sure we will be able to figure it out, like people have been doing from the beginning of time. I am the most confident in this: God has truly joined me and Steven together, and we have decided to base our marriage on the firmest foundation - Jesus Christ.
p.s. even one of my non-christian co-workers agreed that they were quite rude in making these comments.
p.s. even one of my non-christian co-workers agreed that they were quite rude in making these comments.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
News from Kansas City
So Steven left for Kansas City on Sunday to return on friday. This is what Steven has written me on his first impressions of Kansas City in a facebook message:
hey i'm here. the trees arn't that massive and the city is quite nice. it appears to be a lot like edmonton, but i havent seen much of it yet. the people are nice and the work setup is pretty cool. today they had chicken and salad and buns for lunch. there are some people that barely have accents but really it's not noticable. today we ate at a seafood resturrant where they fly all the fish in fresh and reprint the menu everyday with the fresh fish. i ate fresh rainbow trout from idaho and it was delicious. well i will tlak to yuou later, love you and wish you were here!
Just in case anyone is wondering how he is doing, now you know!
hey i'm here. the trees arn't that massive and the city is quite nice. it appears to be a lot like edmonton, but i havent seen much of it yet. the people are nice and the work setup is pretty cool. today they had chicken and salad and buns for lunch. there are some people that barely have accents but really it's not noticable. today we ate at a seafood resturrant where they fly all the fish in fresh and reprint the menu everyday with the fresh fish. i ate fresh rainbow trout from idaho and it was delicious. well i will tlak to yuou later, love you and wish you were here!
Just in case anyone is wondering how he is doing, now you know!
Monday, December 10, 2007
I don't think we'll be in Edmonton anymore, Toto!
So if you haven't already heard, Steven got transferred to Kansas City, Missouri. Yeah, so that means I'm being transferred as well, after the wedding. Now there is quite a bit more things to do before the wedding! Steve moves down to Kansas City in mid January, and then comes back for the wedding, we are still having our honeymoon in Banff, and then fly down to K.C.! Yeah, it was a shock. I have spent a few days crying and a few days being really excited. Right now I'm in "kinda excited, a little worried" mode because of all the things that need to be done. Sometimes I think about it and I just kinda feel like throwing up...because the nerves in my stomach are all weird. I have yet to actually throw-up. I had never heard about Kansas City before I was apparently going to move there. And it's weird because it is actually not completly in Kansas...It's like Lloydminster - borders between Kansas and Missouri...and right in the middle of the United States! (We will be living on the Missouri side, which according to the internet is the better side!) So here is a map for people like me out there who wouldn't know unless they look:

Friday, December 7, 2007
Nothin but Net
So Steve and I were at the swimming pool having some fun playing basketball on one of those basketball nets that hang above the water. Steve loves it because he is taller than me and he can always "slam dunk" it over my head. Why I let him do this, I don't know, probably because he loves it.... Anyway, we started playing 21 and I could not get the ball in the net for the life of me. It was soooo brutal! So the ball goes really far away and I swim to go and get it. I yell to Steve: "If I get this in, you buy me diamond earings for christmas!!! I was soooo far away, I took my shot and ...sure enough nothin but net! We both just turned and looked at eachother with this "NO WAY!" expression! I guess I know what I'm getting for christmas...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Oiler's Game!
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