So if you haven't already heard, Steven got transferred to Kansas City, Missouri. Yeah, so that means I'm being transferred as well, after the wedding. Now there is quite a bit more things to do before the wedding! Steve moves down to Kansas City in mid January, and then comes back for the wedding, we are still having our honeymoon in Banff, and then fly down to K.C.! Yeah, it was a shock. I have spent a few days crying and a few days being really excited. Right now I'm in "kinda excited, a little worried" mode because of all the things that need to be done. Sometimes I think about it and I just kinda feel like throwing up...because the nerves in my stomach are all weird. I have yet to actually throw-up. I had never heard about Kansas City before I was apparently going to move there. And it's weird because it is actually not completly in Kansas...It's like Lloydminster - borders between Kansas and Missouri...and right in the middle of the United States! (We will be living on the Missouri side, which according to the internet is the better side!) So here is a map for people like me out there who wouldn't know unless they look:

Oh Jess, it is very exciting! and "scary" at the same time. It will be an adventure and you realize that all sorts of people are going to visit you -- how exciting is that? I'm even dreaming of a vacation out that way and I know you would be so thrilled to host your dear "old" aunt :>)!!!!! I guess all the wedding prep and moving prep will be very busy now so keep yourself healthy!
OH YES! I am so hoping that people will visit us! Steve's parents say that they are coming in May, so that will be our first opportunity to host, and then hopefully we will have learned how best to show people around Kansas City!
Hi Jess. This is the first time I have seen your blog. Looks great! your Mom and I will come to visit as well, just don't know when. Talk to you soon.
I would like to take a moment and recognize my father for his first comment ever! Way to go dad!
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