Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

hello, it is Christmas Day and I have to work. What probably is the most brutal about this curerntly is that I have been here for a useless half an hour without any children in this group home. While my family is eating the most delicious din din, I am on the internet while my co-worker plays nintendo. Ok, I am a little sad, but really, I'm not too terribly sad. I'v decided I won't despair, I did get to spend quite a bit of time with my family this christmas! Yesterday was Christmas Eve and it was wonderful! We read the Christmas Story from the Bible and watched "The Nativity Story" on TV. We opened up presents and I was very pleased with what I had to give, and what I recieved! Very relaxing evening, it was memorable. Today I woke up and went to the Christmas day service at our church. Then Steve and I went to his parent's house for opening of gifts and stockings! Once again, nice gifts! Then while munching on some hors devors we watched some "planet earth" which Steve's parents had recieved and it was spectacular! Then to Grampa and Gloria's (Steve's side of the family) for some family time, although I didn't get to spend christmas dinner with them, I still spent some time with them so that was nice. So anyway, I hope that everyone had a satisfying christmas! Merry Christmas and hopefully these kids show up real soon so it can be worth my while!

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