I have a TON of work to do before school ends. So good-bye for now, I will see everyone in two weeks. but I still might blog between that time....we will see.
I will leave you with this quote that I cannot remember who originally said it:
Nobody is EVER too busy to tell you how busy they are.
That's totally me.
Peace Out Dudes.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
My great weekend!
I had a great weekend! Starting on Friday at Field Placement, I helped lead through several classes with the men's addiction and rehabilitation program! It was scary and yet very satisfying. Using the basic couseling skills we learn in school I was able to be the one in charge on Friday and I felt respected by the men there and effective. It's funny because the age range of these men go from 60-late 20's and sometimes I just think, I'm 21, never done drugs, female, and I am able to handle (with help) a men's addictions group! How exciting! Anyway, I went and talked to my Field Placement supervisor from the women's program that I was apart of for most of this year and she told me some profound things about being a counselor and how group process works.
Also on friday, I went to Starbucks to meet with my Field Placement Supervisor and I had $1.37 in my pocket. I went up to the Starbucks and asked if there was anything for about that much, and she just said, what do you want? I told her that if I didn't have enough it would be ok, and she just said what do you want? She eventually convinced me, and even the customers waiting in line were asking "how much are you short?" So I ordered a shaken iced tea passion fruit and it was so delicious! This is a must have when it comes to Starbucks drinks! Anyway, it turns out that those ladies gave me the biggest size and I seriously could have cried it was so sweet! They just said, make sure to do something nice to someone else in the future and I assured them I would! I think one of the other touching details of the story is that it was in one of the roughest neighborhoods in town. Seriously rough. And it's interesting how that would never happen in downtown....it really says something about the quality of people we have living in edmonton.
Ok, so saturday I went and bought christine's bridal shower gift and other gifts and it was the best! You know I LOVE buying gifts for people especially when they have a list of everything they might want at the store, it makes my shopping experience so great! And honestly I love the bride I was shopping for and she is so easy going and low maitenance when it comes to keeping her happy. She appreciates everything! It was a good experience. Saturday night I went to a group of tired friends from school and we talked and played games and it was so much fun, although we were so tired that the evening ended rather early because of that!
Then there was sunday, church, and then the bridal shower and that was just a blast. We played the toilet paper bride, and played a quiz about how well you know the couple's love story. It was a great day, one of my favorite parts was a speach from her aunt about being married, it included expectations and reality, the beautiful parts of being married and how to make it work. Another good part was when all the married women said something to christine about either how to make it work, what they wished they had known, or anything to look forward to. Some good stuff came out of that conversation, and it was said several times that having a Christ centered marriage is the most important thing. I really appreciate all that kind of stuff. It was a really nice party!
It was a great weekend!
Also on friday, I went to Starbucks to meet with my Field Placement Supervisor and I had $1.37 in my pocket. I went up to the Starbucks and asked if there was anything for about that much, and she just said, what do you want? I told her that if I didn't have enough it would be ok, and she just said what do you want? She eventually convinced me, and even the customers waiting in line were asking "how much are you short?" So I ordered a shaken iced tea passion fruit and it was so delicious! This is a must have when it comes to Starbucks drinks! Anyway, it turns out that those ladies gave me the biggest size and I seriously could have cried it was so sweet! They just said, make sure to do something nice to someone else in the future and I assured them I would! I think one of the other touching details of the story is that it was in one of the roughest neighborhoods in town. Seriously rough. And it's interesting how that would never happen in downtown....it really says something about the quality of people we have living in edmonton.
Ok, so saturday I went and bought christine's bridal shower gift and other gifts and it was the best! You know I LOVE buying gifts for people especially when they have a list of everything they might want at the store, it makes my shopping experience so great! And honestly I love the bride I was shopping for and she is so easy going and low maitenance when it comes to keeping her happy. She appreciates everything! It was a good experience. Saturday night I went to a group of tired friends from school and we talked and played games and it was so much fun, although we were so tired that the evening ended rather early because of that!
Then there was sunday, church, and then the bridal shower and that was just a blast. We played the toilet paper bride, and played a quiz about how well you know the couple's love story. It was a great day, one of my favorite parts was a speach from her aunt about being married, it included expectations and reality, the beautiful parts of being married and how to make it work. Another good part was when all the married women said something to christine about either how to make it work, what they wished they had known, or anything to look forward to. Some good stuff came out of that conversation, and it was said several times that having a Christ centered marriage is the most important thing. I really appreciate all that kind of stuff. It was a really nice party!
It was a great weekend!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Another picture of me and Steve having fun......ho hum, wish I could be having this much fun now....:(
I'm doing homework these days. I feel bad when I'm not doing it, so in other words I'm stressing and don't know how to relax....but that's ok because I'm pretty sure that it's just a student thing to do. I never feel like this when I'm not in school so I'm really looking forward to graduating. I'm taking a mental health class, and I keep diagnosing myself with everything I read it's kind of ridiculous! According to me, I have a "general anxiety disorder" ha ha, well, maybe not that extreme but it is pretty tough for me to relax at this point. Sometimes I think about my future tropical vacation that I am taking in May. I cannot believe that it is almost here, we have been planning this since last April, cannot believe it might actually be a reality soon enough now! All us ladies that are going....there are 6, have nicknamed ourselves "the womenican of dominican!" I have a new obsession: Facebook, I cannot stop facebookin it! Every single day, it's very addicting. Well blog reader, I'm sorry, but I must depart! Homework assignments titled spousal abuse, childhood abuse, anorexia nervosa research paper, and community log#3 are all calling my names! Wow, looking at that list, it's no wonder I never want to do my homework! How completly depressing!

Monday, March 19, 2007
40th post!

Happy 40th post 106 kicks!
(hmmm, that would be me.)
I named my blog 106 kicks because it is the name of a radio station in Ontario, I thought it sounded pretty cool! Anyway, I started blogging because of procrastination issues while doing homework. I pretty much mostly use the computer to procrastinate so after school is over I have a strong feeling my blogging will soon etiolate ...
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/etiolate I looked that one up on dictionary.com.....so maybe you should look it up if you don't know what it means! (I know, the way I used it is not exactly dead on the meaning, but you get the picture.) I'm trying to make this blog interactive! Anyway, I couldn't go with all my friends to Frontier Lodge for cross country skiing, ice clinbing, repelling, and hanging out in the foothills this weekend......I had Suicide Prevention Training all weekend....what a bummer. On saturday night I went to bed at 9:50 I was so exhausted. Sunday I studied all day, and today I have the last midterm to do in psych. To say I'm busy is right on the mark. Stressed as well.... But now I must go and write this midterm.....augh.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Steven's teeth

Sunday, March 11, 2007
I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I decided to rebel and write this! oh, maybe I will put up a picture since steven says that all posts are 100% better with a picture from anywhere of anykind! Isn't that cute? A real hot dog!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I got TWO assignments done today! woooowoooo! Tomorrow is D-day. I have the biggest presentation of my life happening tomorrow and I'm a little nervous. I can't wait for it to be over. It is definitly that time of year. All I can think about is school. Sometimes I phone Steve and get sad because I haven't seen him....but then I get back to doing my homework. I haven't worked out in a month. I've been eating a lot of chocolate and gaining weight. I do my own make-shift yoga in my bedroom before bed and when I wake up in the morning....basically the same stretches that we did in grade 10 gym class, but I call it yoga. I rented a laptop from the school to motivate me to do my homework because I have to pay per day. Too bad $5000 dollars for tuition and $1000 for text books hasn't done that already....but I sat in second cup and worked hard for a couple hours with my lap top that has my school name written in big letters across the back. So this is good. I like working in Starbucks and Second Cup. I like how there are alot of conversations going on at once and it's impossible to follow just one, and not to mention the loudness of the blenders and other coffee equipment, and then the music that I have never heard before. All this ambiant noise makes me very happy. Not to mention I always drink a latte while typing away on my laptop. Of course that doesn't help with the whole gaining weight thing. Tomorrow I have to hand the laptop back to the library of my school, but I might not and just keep it for a few more days. Anyway, I'm going to start on more homework. This lady with her laptop is soo happy. That's how I feel with a laptop and now I want one.
Monday, March 5, 2007
oh my goodness! that's so and so....
I never knew how much I do this until Steven mentioned it. Now I realize that I do this all the time. Everytime I go into town I always think I see someone I know and then I say, hey...I think that's so and so.....but when I get close enough and look hard enough I realize that it isn't. Since Steve has mentioned that I do this I do it SO MUCH! Especially in the park.....I went to highschool there and it is very common to see someone I went to highschool with, or see someone who is one of my little brother or sister's friends either shopping or working. One time we were driving over the Wayne Gretzky bridge, and I thought I saw this lady I go to school with right now, but when I went to school and asked her about this, she told me she couldn't drive....I should have known that because she has these crazy eyes.....So many times I think I see my social work teachers and especially one and it has come to the point that whenever we are driving or are out and I say "hey!" Steve says, no it's not "so and so." Maybe I'm just really paraniod about people seeing me....who knows. I have a feeling that my false sightings will go down once I move because I won't be in the park nearly as much. Anyway, some friends of mine suggested that I write my blog on this particular topic. They say they don't read it, and would never have a blog...but I just think they are jealous and feel a need to be in on all this glorious blogging fun! Too bad they will never know that happiness that it brings me....
These are two famous people without make-up on.....can you guess who they are? Maybe you have a little bit of false sightingsness in you as well.
These are two famous people without make-up on.....can you guess who they are? Maybe you have a little bit of false sightingsness in you as well.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
so I am currently waiting for one of my group members at the millwoods campus so I can give her some material, it's been 45 minutes and she isn't here. arg. not that I have anywhere to be really otherwise I would have left a long time ago, and yet, here I sit... a little miffed.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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