Yesterday I went to Shauna's apartment's pool. Shauna is a girlfriend to one of Steven's coworkers. It was nice and warm yesterday too. We just swam for a bit and read books and magazines when we weren't in the pool.
I have been really wanting a job lately (weird). I always find that summer is a very motivating time for me to want to work strangely enough. I guess the heat never gets to the extreme like it does here where it actually debilitates you from wanting to do anything. I just want to be home right now, even though there is no such thing as home right now. I feel comfortable here enough because all of my things are here and I have my own space, and I know that I don't have that in Edmonton. Steven and I both have been quite homesick since his parents have left.
So the weather is calling for some pretty extreme weather. Tornado warnings and type weather are being called for all regions swooping south under missouri to the east and north east of missouri. (That is what I watched on good morning America this morning.) If you want to watch what I watched, go to this page and watch the video.
This web site gave an interesting fact, and maybe a little bit of a scary fact: "With the year not even half done, 2008 is already the deadliest tornado year in the United States since 1998 and seems on track to break the U.S. record for the number of twisters in a year, according to the National Weather Service. Also, this year's storms seem to be unusually powerful."(http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=4941803)
Soooo, weather is a little scary today with the super hot day today and the intense storms predicted for tonight and the tornado warnings sweeping the mid-west. We were going to go to a baseball game tonight but I think that we are not going to be doing that anymore!
Wow - that is quite the picture! It looks extremely deadly like you said!
Sorry that you're so homesick sweetheart. Tomorrow is June the first and then it will be only a little while until you can see all of us :)
In the mean time, are you still helping out with serving those lunches? Maybe by doing that it will give you some purpose :) In the meantime we'll be praying for you, especially for your safety in this the deadlist of all tornado years!BTW, thanks for that, just in case we weren't caring/praying for you enough (read worrying/concerned)! Lots of hugs and kisses,XOXO,
Love Mum
Hi Jessica
I can remember being homesick at times. Your mom remembers as well. You said you may willing to do some volunteer work. I think it is wise to use your training and skills and put them to work. Even if you don't get paid, you will feel like you are contributing and are needed. It won't be long till you can visit and I am looking forward to seeing you again.
With Love, your Dad.
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