Sorry for the delay! I really don't have an excuse!
Soooo, nothing really all that interesting or blog worthy has really come up and so there isn't much to write about. On friday it was "girls night out" and us ladies went to the "power and light district" down town. It was pretty fun but rediculously expensive. On saturday Steven and I went to "First Watch" (you will see a lot of these if you come down here) they are breakfast brunch and lunch restaurants and they don't serve supper. then we went to "Ace-West Hardware" and on a wim added a new member to our family! An impatient that is going to be our new windowsil plant! Well, it was full of flowers too many to count and so we lovingly bought it some fertilizer sticks for indoor/ outdoor plants. We asked the worker about what would be a good plant for inside and 3 hours of sun and this is what he suggested. Well. That guy I just don't know about him. Because 24 hours after owning this plant all of the flowers have fallen off and it looks wilted and so sad. I think that I have the opposite of a green thumb. Even when I try, I still end up killing plants.
So the first picture at the top of this blog is what impatients are supposed to look like and what our plant looked like when we first bought it. Then somehow we destroyed it. Possible reasons it is doing so poorly is that we put in the fertilizer sticks right after we got it. But the fertilizer stick package recommended that we pout 4 of the sticks in our flower pot. Well, we decided to put only one in and break it into 4 pieces....because I was very wary of the fertilizer sticks.....I don't know, maybe they are the culprite.
2nd thing that we might have done wrong is that we set it right next the window....I don't know why that would be bad. But it has almost kicked the bucket and we are concerned parents!
We have done no over watering what-so-ever! It was very moist when we got it and stayed that way until the next day. So I watered it a day after that even though it was still wet.
The container has holes in it at the bottom so it can drain....
I don't know. But it looked so nice on saturday and now it doesn't! This impatient needs your help! Post a comment for your expert advice on this (apparently) indoor and outdoor plant. Because otherwise the life of a helpless impatient plant will be forever gone! Not to mention this gardener's confidence will be shattered....
It's nice to see that you're trying to grow some plants. It can be a very relaxing hobby. It is important that when you buy a plant you bring it home right away and don't leave it in a hot car. Also don't fertilize it as soon as you bring it home. Best to let it get used to the new environment first. Impatiens should not be put in direct sunlight, they love shade. You may also want to transplant them into slightly larger pots using regular potting soil. Make sure there is good drainage. Also try going to different nurseries or garden centers. Some places don't have very healthy plants. It could very well be some thing that has happened to the plant before you bought it. Love Dad.
Ah, the blogger has finally placated her impatient audience with a story about impatiens --- nice touch Jess. I never do well with impatiens and your second picture is what mine end up looking like too so I don't even bother anymore with them. I agree with the previous comment. Go with pansies or geraniums(don't become like opa though) or some other bona fide house plant.
ha ha ha, geraniums and opa. I had to laugh at that. And nice touch with the impatient bloggers and the new "impatient post." Very clever! Well thank you dad k for all the advice, I guess I will try some more with this new advice and hopefully we will start seeing some results. I now keep it out of direct sunlight as much as possible....hopefully I will be able to show some better pictures of the plant when it has been rejuvinated!
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