This is what my new phone looks like, except mine is in white. I have never owned a cell phone surprisingly enough. I have done fine until I moved out, and my new house phone is only in the basment and no one in our house cares about it because everyone else has cell phones. My bedroom is upstairs and I miss calls a lot, especially because we don't have voice mail. The last straw was when I went to rundle park and I couldn't find anyone because I didn't have a cell last friday. Steve and I got the couples plan from Rogers. We chose Rogers because it is the only company that gets reception in Steve's basement. I have the white one, and he took the black. Oh yes, we are that cool. I had to get the white one! It matches my car perfectly! It is kinda cool because it is a 3 mp camera as well as a walkman. It comes with earphones and is a mp3 player too. wowzers. Interestingly enough, all of the phone companies have the exact same couples plan for the exact same prices. They varie in apsolutly no way what-so-ever. We think that they're in cahoots.
Wow Jess - that's great :) Thanks for the phone call last night. I was already telling Penelope how she could contact you now . . . anytime! The phones do look very cool. Talk to you later dear, love, Mum
well that picture is a little different there then our phones, but the same model and looks similar. i'm glad you're excited about the phone, we gotta get some tunes on there. well gotta go. lator gator;
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