Friday, July 6, 2007


I bought a car! it's pretty! it's white! it 1994! grand am! v6! 4 door! ahhhhhhhhh. I feel a lot better now. This weekend I am moving out. Excitement. I got the loan from the bank, although it required a lot of hasseling. I used up my gift certificates to Ikea and Sears from Christmas for a duvet cover, 500 thread count sheets! (oh, they are so nice!) and a rug type accessorie for my room! It will match my bright green walls, and I do mean bright green!

July long went awesome, went to Steven's parents cabin and did a hike, and a 4 hour quad ride! (literally 4 hours!) and it was no mediocre quad ride, very exciting. At night there was fireworks for Canada Day. It was a great weekend.

Steven did one of the cruelest things a boyfriend can do to a girlfriend. Oh yes, it may be hot outside, but does that justify shaving your head? It looked so different I couldn't even look at him for the first 15 minutes of him surprising me with it. I am more used to it now. Pictures to come of the horror! Oh how I miss his curly hair.....


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the car and the moving thing etc. Glad it's all coming together for you! I saw Steven at church and I thought by the way you were so horrified that maybe he had used a razor blade so when I saw that it was only a mere "buzz cut" it looks good and summerish.

Anonymous said...

YAY on the car! and YAY on moving out! And YAY??? Steve's hair isn't THAT bad...I understand about missing the curls, because guys with curly hair-they should NEVER cut their hair! At least guys hair takes less time to grow back than girls :) and Steve still looks like Steve from what I saw on Sunday.