Monday, February 26, 2007

Velvet Elvis

I'm in a bible study with a few friends and we currently meet on sunday nights. We are reading a chapter before each study of the book "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. We just had our fourth meeting and this book is quite good. It's different than other bible studies because you aren't searching for the right answer. We just discuss what we have read and what impacted us. I really enjoyed chapter 2 because it was about how everybody has different interpretations of the bible and you shouldn't just take something for fact when someone says that it's true even if it's a pastor or some other high up christian leader. The important thing is to read it for yourself and ask God to help you understand what you are reading. All scripture is God breathed, yet so many people use scripture to back up things that go against christianity or use it advance themselves or justify things. Chapter 3 was an interesting read as well talking about flexibility in what we believe, and why so many students going into college fall away from God because what they are learning in class isn't what they have grown up with, it's a different kind of truth and people are unsure how it fits into the christian ideology and faith system. Anyway, I recommend it, although the author is quite young and in my opinion this is shown in the way that he writes and the what he's still a good book, worth reading (I'm only on chapter 4) Anybody have any good suggestions for good bible study material??? I have heard Beth Moore speak, and after that I decided that her book(s) are going to be my next bible study material.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're enjoying V E :). Beth Moore is definitely an awesome bible study teacher! I really appreciate her indepth bible studies, and she backs everything up with scripture both new & old T. I recommend it!

Christine said...

my small group is looking for new material as well....maybe we will try the velvet elvis....I've heard that That The World May Know is also good, never tried it though, but our parents have.

Anonymous said...

Velvet Elvis kicks ass...oh sorry for the profanity, i mean it is an insightful book. Some awesome perspectives in there. Also Rob Bell's (the author) nooma videos are good as well, but expensive 10 bucks for an 11 minute video.