Today it is exactly two years ago that me and Steve met.
I went on a college age winter retreat with a whole bunch of people I didn't know, hmmm, nope, I really didn't know any of them at all. The reason Steven and I started talking was because we were asked to draw the journey of our lives, ya it could have been really deep but most people just drew a picture of their house, their elementary school, stuff like that. So Steven drew this picture of his highschool, drew a stick-figure girl inside the school with a "X" over her. So I asked him if he liked girls. He got so red..... and tried to explain his girl problems from highschool. Steven was SOOOOO easy to tease....now he knows me too well and doesn't fall prey to my schemes. He says he liked me because I was crazy, and I never really understood that. I mean, there were some seriously crazy girls who were on that winter retreat. Anyway, when I looked at the date a while ago I remembered the significance.....Steven is going to read this and comment for sure about what I wrote and either tell me I was wrong or I really was crazy. So if he hasn't commented on this blog yet, he will and I will probably be in trouble.
Wow - two years since you travelled home with "m.. face guy". Nice that you can remember the date Jess - I don't have clear memories of dates like that when me & your dad met . . . sometime in the fall, near Christmas . . . this cowboy looking guy . . . Oh ya, this is about you & Steve! Pardon me . . .. So what reason would Steve give as to why you two started talking?
I dunno, but it probably doesn't involve him having girl problems!
...that's pretty well how it went. I had very few friends there as well, kevin but he was with karen and there was lori, but she was with her friends.
there were a lot of crazy people there, maybe it was because you (jess) had energy and excitment but weren't totally crazy. crazy people weird me out to much.
oh and the girl problems was just a ploy, cause as in the words of Bloodhound Gang "chicks dig guys that don't dig chicks". haha.
ya right you were desperate! just kidding!
aw....how sweet
Hey, that ploy never works for me!
Obviously, whatever Steven did to get you Jess worked! and whether you realized it at the time whatever you did to get him worked! (even if you think you weren't doing anything to "get" him.)
I think that is so cute....love at first sight in stick people language
You are so funny, Jessica. "...I asked if he liked girls.."
hee hee
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