Yesterday I did the craziest thing. I bungee jumped at west edmonton mall. 106 feet. Yes it was scary. No I could not breath. I kept my eyes closed for the first part. What a rush! Wow.
I went into field placement on wednesday morning at the Salvation Army and to my surprise they said they were going bungee jumping! The purpose being for them to show clients how to have a rush without using drugs. I was so excited! I was pretty calm waiting at the top, many of the men were not. Some were on all fours praying. They were embarrassed that I was not that scared, but I assured them that I would be really scared when my feet were over the edge. I predicted myself completly and I'm getting that scared feeling all over again just writing about it! So there was so many people that wanted to jump, and the heavier people were instructed to go first. Needless to say I was near the end! I waited at the top for about 2 1/2 hours, and finally it was my turn! They tightened up my harness, checked it once out loud, and then the second guy checked it twice out loud. They said "put your feet over the edge!" Then he said at the countdown of 5 I was to jump, 5.....4....3...2..1...JUUUUMP!!!!!!.......and I was still standing there, clutching the rail. The guy told me "hands off the rail!" woops. He told me to hold on to the cushion surrounding the bungee, and once again the count down of 5...4....3....2...1..JUUUUMP!!!! And I started tilting and leaning slowly into nothing, clutching that pillow with a death grip, and then........falling. I never screamed, it was too much, I couldn't breath, and I was waiting for some kind of relief, some kind of slowing down, feel anything when apsolutly NOTHING was surrounding me and I was only getting faster and faster. And then I bounced up! I opened my eyes, and went falling all over again! WOW! I started to breath, I almost started to cry!
bouncing and flying....and it was over. Scariest thing I have ever done! But I would do again in a heart beat.

that was an intense blog. i was on the edge of my seat just reading it! I am soooo impressed that you bungee jumped, i dont think i would have the guts to do so. you are pretty much my hero right now.
Hero of the day???
yes I deserve that! ha ha
Pffff, you're not that brave...although I don't think I could do it, ha
What a ride Jess!! Sounds like that would be a better ruch than drugs!!
sorry *rush*
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