Wow, I didn't realize how much time had passed since writing the last blog! Anyway, thank you laura for the reminder! I have my job, and it requires me to work most evenings. I know that this is pretty sucky, but it is a little bit ok considering a lot of evening stuff requires very little paperwork and just includes making supper and taking the kids out to fun events like swimming, bowling, fort edmonton, playgrounds, and other fun things. I have had my first 12 hour shift already and it really wasn't that bad either, even though it was quite long. This saturday I have another 12 hour shift from 10-10. blah. Oh well. Hopefully I can put in my time and can hope for better hours in the future. The kids that I have worked with primarily are pretty great kids. I have worked at three different group homes so far and they have all been so diverse. I think that is what I like the most out of this job. Although one day I did come home angry and upset at the night that had happened. It involved some grade sixer's ganging up on me! ha ha, it was pretty horrible, but I have some new skills on how to handle it....I don't know if it's going to work but it is what the boss said to use! So I am going to be busting out the new Jess with skills never seen before. Don't you wish you could just watch me in action? ...at 10pm at night? Moving on. I almost have a car. yah, almost. As in another person who needs to help me has a emergency leave of absense! AUGH! Even though it has only happened twice, once from my new job and once for getting money from the bank to buy my car, it seems like it has happened way too many times! So hopefully I actually get my answer tomorrow like they said and buy the car tomorrow, otherwise.....man oh man. Moving on again. I am moving out this weekend.....if the bank will let me. If the car will promise not to break down (It's a 94 grand am) Every time I think about writing a blog about my life I feel so burdened knowing there is so much to write about! Anyway, now that it is done, I should finish up with some other big news: Steven graduated last week from Computing Science from the UofA with Distinction! My boyfriend is the smartest. Anyway, I should probably stop writing now.

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