Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dominican Fun Times

That was an amazingly awesome trip. SO MUCH FUN! In the pictures you can see from the top:
1. The girls chewing on sugar cane, you don't eat it, you just chew it and so much juicy sweetness comes out!
2.The boys pretending to be sharks when we went to swim with sharks and sting rays.
3.The girls pretending to eat the coco plant. Usually when a coco plant is ripe is goes from green to yellow and then to red.
4. This is when we went on an outback safari through the country side. There is hardly any pollution, the air is so pure and clean, our tour guide told us that although the dominican people who live in the country may be poor, none of them ever go hungry because of the wealth of food.
5. The girls before supper one day. I'm showing off my t-shirt from the outback safari.
6. Taking a horseback riding break. And if you read my previous post, this break was very much needed for me. We are chewing on fresh coconut.
7. A section of the resort we stayed at. You can see our rooms, we stayed on the third floor in the top left hand corner.
8. Erika, Marla, and Kylie wiped out from boogie boarding. It's pretty intense.
9. Marla, Erika, Steph, and I.
10. All 13 of us at the sharks and sting rays tour.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun! I think I want to go to the Dominican now.

Could I get that really good jello recipe from you when you have time? my e-mail is

Thanks Jessica!

lj said...

I love you. Have I mentioned that lately? I am likely off to Calgary again this weekend, for anywhere up to a month, but when I get back, can we please meet up, because you are such a wonderful person and I really enjoy when we manage to catch up... Looking forward to the new job?

Anonymous said...

Wow! That looks like an amazing trip! You'll have to tell me all about sometime! And by the way, you looked really nice on Sunday, very coordinated! lol! I hope moving out goes great for you! Cheers Jess!