Tuesday, February 6, 2007

what a ridiculous conversation starter

You know what is really ridiculous? Having the same name as someone famous. Really really ridiculous. You know what's even more ridiculous? The fact that people compare you to this famous person even though under only these circumstances would anyone ever compare me to this famous person. I get a whole aray of responses to this fact. I remember when she first became famous. I was in grade 7 and my grade 6 teacher comes up to me and asks, "did I just hear you on the radio?" I was so confused and answered "no." Soon after that I realized that there was a famous person with the same name as me. Some kids in my class liked to tease me about it, and I really didn't mind. I figured that she would be a short lived phase that would pass. So many people asked me if my parents had named me after her. My response would always be "no" and say something like she only became famous a few years ago, that would make me 4 years old if they had. Trust me, the snarky comments that I write in this blog are not my actual responses they are only my thoughts. I don't own any of her cd's and I actually don't care for her music really, but I definitly don't hate her, I also don't mind when her song comes on the radio, I would never purchase any of her music is all. I thought it would be cool if I did like her music but I definitly don't. There were a few boys who wanted to date me for novelty purposes "I dated JS" but that never worked out for them. Except I think Steven might want a shirt that says "I'm dating JS" at least after 2 years I know it's not just for novelty purposes. When I was working in customer service or when I go to Safeway where the cashier's can find out your name, I get so many "how's Nick?" and "is your sister named ashley?" haw.........haw. Then there are some pissed responses like people might think that I'm trying to be smart when I sign up for something or give my name for surveys and they just roll their eyes, and I'm like, augh! I'm not trying to be a smart ass! I'm not trying to conceal my real name, that is my real name! I was worried that when I went into college that people might give me a real hard time, then I talked to a few people and they said, oh don't worry, nobody's going to say anything. So then the teacher calls my name for attendance and I say "here" and the whole class, not even exaggerating points and laughs! I was like holy crap! On the whole, having this ridiculous name has been positive. It's a great ice breaker, and people always like to say that they know me! (I know JS) ha ha. I definitly don't hate it because one day it will be gone, and then I will be a plain normal-named person. Well, that's depressing! lol, not really, I'm looking forward to people not being shocked at my name and having it be so easy to remember (for confidentiality reasons.) Anyway, that day is not coming for awhile so I have some more time with this ridiculous name of mine and I'm going to have some fun with it!
(p.s. I abbreviated my name to be confidential but I'm really not too sure it worked with that giant picture I put at the top.)


lj said...

well i think you kept it confidential. I sure have noidea what JS stands for...
You crack me up js. you really do.

kt said...

That is so funny... I can imagine how frusterating that gets.. people must think they are sooo funny...

Anonymous said...

wow that must be so annoying. most of the time for me, people are stumbling over the first name before they even hear the last!

This Guy said...

All this time I thought you guys were the same person!!!

Christine said...

I'll admit I've used the line "JS is my cousin" It's just to much fun to see the reaction

Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny when Amy told me that she said js is my cousin and people were convinced because (they reasoned) amy has blond hair and brown eyes!