Last night Steven and I scoured the internet searching for pets that wouldn't require as much responsibility as a dog. I have been really wanting a dog since we got here, but it just doesn't seem to make any sense with all the travelling that we need and want to do. A cat would be the perfect fit considering their independance and their need for attention being much less than a dog. Except that my whole entire family is allergic to cats and to have them over to our house would require them to be on allergy medication....making them not feel good or like themselves.
The pets we looked at (and laughed at) were birds and rodents.....we first looked at parrots, and then doves, a canary, and even a pigeon! (coo coo coo!) Then we were looking at guinea pigs, hamsters, and ..........RATS???? What???? Here in the states you can own rats as pets??!!! Oh yes you can! And they are extremely intelligent! Apparently, according to Wikipedia and other information on-line, you can train a rat to come when it is called, do tricks, and be litter trained! Apparently it is common to have pet rats that do not bite you and so you can sit and cuddle with them! (lol) So, Steven looks at me with this totally interested face...and I was a little shocked because I know what he is thinking! He wants a rat!
Apparently they are sanitary because they are domesticated and looked after. They are bred in clean sanitary conditions and are not picked up off the street or anything. The wild rats are different than these pet rats (according to Wikipedia) So they get their shots just like dogs and cats do! You still keep them in a cage and bring them out to run in their ball and hold them just like you would treat a hamster....except that they come when they are called! (how cool is that??!!) I am thinking I would like to have a canary.....I'm not totally sold on the rat idea, not totally against it either. But we would have to sneak that rat into Alberta! We would have an illegal pet! Sounds kind of on the dangerous side......
Your thoughts on this matter would be appreciated!
Jess! Don't get a rat - that may be the sickest thing ever - even if it comes when it's called. lol. What about a bunny? Felicity has the cutest bunny ever - it doesn't bite and it comes right up to you. Or even a chinchilla? Remember the chinchillas that Jillian had? Better than a rat is all i have to say. Oh and by the way - that may be the most clever title of all time.
I had a pet rat for many years.I got her from the university research lab.I named her Elenor She was awesome pure white with red eyes (albino).She would come when I called her. Was very clean. And was a fine pet. I remember I took her outside sometimes, but you had to watch her because she was very curious and would takeoff. She did this once and was gone for a couple of days. I called and called. The neighbour called and told me he hade seen her under the chicken coup. It was more than a block away.I went there and called her and she came running to me, I was so happy. They can be taught tricks for food.
awww! That is so sweet! It would be cool to have a pet rat....but would there be issues bringing it to Alberta?
One of my students wanted a pet Rat and said it was illegal in Alberta. Ewwww rats are gross!!! Hedgehogs are cool. You can't really cuddle them though.
The things you learn about your relatives from reading a blog!!! You know that a mosquito comes to you when you enter a room and you don't even have to call it!!! yes, pretty lame attempt at humor ---- oh well, have a great time figuring out what pet will be a good fit for you.
Hey Jess - I don't know about a rat or not - that albino rat sounds really quite cute though. Are they nocturnal? Ferguson, your hamster drove you crazy being on the wheel all night & you had to move him all the way downstairs & around the corner so you wouldn't hear him all night long . . ..hmmm - a one bdrm apt. . . ?? :)
On a different note - I love your new template!
Thankyou! I worked for a long time on it! Steven helped....actually maybe I helped Steven....just because he has more computer savvy-ness than me!
A pet rat you would not be allowed to bring back to Alberta because Alberta is rat free. It sounds kind of weird as a pet.
Auntie Hilda
I know that research rats are allowed in Alberta. The universities have them for research. I know that wild rats would not be allowed. Dan and Heather have rabbits I dont find them very cuddley and they should be kept outside or in a cage because they will chew on any electric, speaker, cord left lying around. They are supposedly paper trainable but I dont think this is easy to do. There rabbits if they are let loose will leave "raisins" around on the floor, gross.
How about a fish?? Nice and easy maintance, no cuddling but you can pretend?? Or just snuggle with Steven. haha
I know I don't know you or anything but I was looking at pictures of rats and your blog caught my eye. I know quite a few people who have rats as pets and absolutely adore them. However, it is advisable to have several, so they can keep each other company, and this involves more maintenance. I would also advise you stay on the safe side of the law and not bring in illegal pets. But I'm sure you could do some research to find out exactly what the rules are. It may simply be that you are not allowed to bring in wild rats and that rats bought within the state would be OK. Don't quote me on this though...
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